The duration of the course is three hours, the most valuable aspect of the course is that it is of a practical nature, which is vital if you hope to ever survive an attack of any nature. The course is geared towards the particular group being spoken to and although the message is brought across in a humorous and entertaining manner, participants are made aware of the serious problem we are dealing with. The course will provide you with the confidence to face your daily routine without being constantly fearful of the surrounding crime.

The course will cover the following topics:

-        An intensive awareness program designed to assist you to improve your awareness and observation skills enabling you to pre-empt the attack and avoid it.

-        Preventive measures you can take in your daily routine to avoid hijackers.

-        The modus operandi currently used by hijackers.

-        How to best deal with the attack should you fall victim to the crime.

-        What to do if the hijackers keep you in the vehicle and get you to drive them to a different more dangerous location.

-        How to get your children, passengers and yourself out of the vehicle safely in the event of a hijacking.

-        Products available to improve your safety.

-        Course participants are put through a hijack simulation at their vehicle. This reinforces the theory taught and the success of getting through their worst nightmare can be extremely     empowering.